2022/23 Information Package click on Poster

Anand Lotus offers courses, classes and training programs in Kundalini Yoga, Self-development and Energy Healing.

Yoga, a transformative experience.
Your Own Greatness Assured!

Relieve Stress

Stress takes away our quality of life and effects every aspect of our well-being. Yoga encourages a relaxed self.

Peaceful Mind

Peace of mind is a mental state of calmness and tranquility, a freedom from worry and anxiety.

Balanced Life

The balance of life is to know yourself, love yourself, be yourself and trust yourself. Acknowledge yourself.

Hari Nam Singh Khalsa

Hari Nam Singh Khalsa has been acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest pioneers in the field of mind body integration. He continues to transform our understanding of health and wellness through expanding human potential.

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